Health Services Professional at Garrahan Hospital


1-Question: What is your name? 

My name is María Rodríguez.

2-Question: How old are you? 

I am 32 years old.

3-Question: What is your profession in the field of health?

I am a registered nurse at Garrahan Hospital.

4-Question: What is your daily routine like at work? 

My day begins with monitoring vital signs and coordinating patient care at Garrahan Hospital. Next, I collaborate closely with the medical team in administering treatments and procedures, ensuring the well being of the children we care for. 

5-Question: What was the main reason why you chose this profession and to work at Garrahan Hospital? 

My choice to be a nurse is due to my deep vocation to help others. Working at Garrahan Hospital is an honor, as it allows me to be part of the care of children in delicate health situations. Here, every day, I can make a significant difference in their lives.



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